About Us
The downstairs to our building is our nursery for 0-5's. The area is divided by furniture into two sections, our 0-2' area and our 2-5's. Both age groups and staff can see each other at all times and come together at different parts of the day such as meals times to share experiences and learn from each other.
The upstairs of our building has our Out of School Club room's set up with a variety of toys, games, electronics and arts and crafts.
Within our 0-2's area we have a sensory room and dark sleep area. The room is laid out with different areas of learning such as messy play, roleplay and small world. Our baby room plan all the activities around the children's interests and encourage deep sensory play and exploration.
In the 2-5's area we have a variety of different areas set up continually to encourage development across all areas of the curriculum. We offer free flow access to outdoors; our practitioners plan and set up activities inside and out everyday, based around the children's interests to stimulate their learning in all areas of the curriculum,
Each morning and afternoon our pre-school children go upstairs and use our Out of School club room to do short planned focussed Maths and Phonics activities whilst our two year olds do focused planned Communication and attention activities.
Our out of school club consists of two rooms; one set up with a range of toys, games, sensory and quiet area. The other with a computer, electronics, and a wide range of arts and crafts. Our Out of School Club practitioner plans activities with the children to do every day both during term time and Holiday time. The children go on trips out to local places like the park as well as others further away such as 'The National Photography Museum' during holiday time.